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Eye Makeup Allergy in Kids

How to Treat an Eye Makeup Allergy in Kids: Effective Solutions

How to Treat an Eye Makeup Allergy in Kids: Effective Solutions

Makeup is an extremely fun and enjoyable activity. It acts as a creative outlet, letting you view yourself in a desired way! This is also why kids enjoy makeup too. For them, makeup equipment is as effective of a creative outlet as traditional drawings and art. 

However, as parents, you’re required to be very vigilant of your child’s adventure with makeup. Most makeup products have been formulated with adults in mind. If children use them too, the chances of adverse reactions increase! This may also make you wonder how to treat eye makeup allergy in case your child gets one while using your products. So here, let’s consider why makeup with kids needs attention by focusing specifically on the case of eye makeup allergy.

Understanding Eye Makeup Allergy: What You Need to Know?

To know how to treat eye makeup allergy you must first understand the nature of an eye makeup allergy. Also known as allergic contact dermatitis, the allergy is a sign that your child’s eye is adversely reacting to a specific ingredient in eye-focused makeup products. Allergens from products like mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow may stress the already sensitive skin and enter the eye. The common culprits of this allergy are formaldehyde, fragrances, and colourants. 

  • Redness: Allergens often trigger the immune system, leading to inflammation around the eye. 
  • Itching: The sensitive skin around the eyes cannot handle allergens, leading to a histamine release and subsequent itching.
  • Swelling: In an effort to further curb allergens, the immune system dilates blood vessels. This leads to fluid accumulation in the tissues, and thus swelling around the eyes.
  • Tearing: This is usually the first defence against makeup irritants, as the eye attempts to flush them out. 

How To Identify Eye Makeup Allergies in Kids?

Due to the nature of the involved organ, eye makeup allergies are often daunting and scary—both for parents and kids! However, it’s important to know that immediate response can ease things. Here are some of the major tips and observations that can help you identify early signs of an eye makeup allergy.

  • Monitor For Redness: An allergic response isn’t instant; it may take some time to manifest. Keep looking for persistent redness around the eyes, especially on the whites of the eyes.
  • Check For Swelling: Swelling is quite a common allergic reaction. As such, check for puffiness around the eyes that may appear simultaneously with redness.
  • Excessive Tearing: Finally, the most tell-tale sign that an allergic reaction is taking place is tearing. This is a natural protective function and indicates that allergens have reached the eye. 

How To Treat Eye Makeup Allergies in Kids?

Knowing how to treat eye makeup allergy is an important skill, especially if your child is early in their makeup journey! Luckily, treatment can be easily done at home, without requiring medical attention. Here are the home remedies available to you…

  • Remove The Makeup: First and foremost, it’s essential to remove the makeup and cleanse the skin. Use a gentle cleanser for this.
  • Cool Compress: Immediate cool compress can significantly reduce swelling, while also providing relief from itching.
  • Aloe Vera Gel: For further soothing, pure aloe vera gel is preferred. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can aid recovery.

Preventing Eye Allergies in Kids: Tips to Tackle Makeup Reactions

Finally, when considering how to treat eye makeup allergy, it’s important to consider the best possible way - not using the erring product at all! Equip your kids with the best non-toxic and kid-friendly eye makeup to avoid any potential allergic reactions. Beyond that, also teach them safe makeup usage i.e. avoiding any excess application and limiting makeup to only necessary events. Finally, let them know that sharing is not caring when it comes to makeup. This can easily transfer nasty infections and is thus best avoided. 

Final Thoughts

While eye makeup allergies feel daunting, they are easily handled with some gentle love and care! After your child safely applies makeup, be vigilant and look out for the common symptoms. Based on that, you can administer interventions and provide your child relief from any further irritation!

Most importantly, it’s essential to get your child kid-friendly makeup. The experts at Miss Nella have formulated various non-toxic and child-focused makeup products that work for their sensitive skin excellently. These ensure that any risk of allergy and irritation is completely negated!


1. How can I identify the specific product causing the allergy?

The best way to do this is via a patch test. Once symptoms have resolved, reintroduce the products used one at a time on a less sensitive area and monitor reactions.

2. How long does it typically take for symptoms to resolve after stopping the use of a problematic product?

Improvement is quick, with full recovery possible in just a few days. 

3. Are there hypoallergenic makeup products available for kids?

Yes, such products are available. They are formulated for sensitive skin and are thus recommended.

4. How can kids take care of their eyes?

Teach your kids to always use gentle cleansers to keep the eye region clean. Also, teach them to not rub their eyes as that always leads to further inflammation.